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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Views of the News, Oct. 29, 2008
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Demagoguery Inc.
Now Rep. Bachmann channels her inner McCarthy, and follows what has become a tired old script:
Step One: Say something regrettably stupid. In this case, say it to millions live on "Hardball."
Step Three: Quietly admit to it after being shown Youtube video...but blame the press!MR. MATTHEWS: You put three words together — liberal, leftist and anti-American. How do they all fit together, those three terms — liberal, leftist and anti- American?
REP. BACHMANN: Well, that’s a good descriptor for Jeremiah Wright. It’s a perfect descriptor for Bill Ayers. And those are friends and people that Obama has pointed to as his mentors. In his book, Barack Obama had pointed to Jeremiah Wright as one of his mentors, and also Father Pfleger as one of his mentors. Two of the three mentors are Father Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright. Now, these are very strange, anti-American mentors.
But wait! There is more:MR. MATTHEWS: So you believe that Barack Obama may have anti- American views.
REP. BACHMANN: Absolutely. I’m very concerned that he may have anti-American views.
Step Two: Deny it.
Despite the way the blogs and the Democratic Party are spinning it, I never called all liberals anti-American, I never questioned Barack Obama’s patriotism, and I never asked for some House Un-American Activities Committee witch hunt into my colleagues in Congress.
Bachmann is blaming Chris Matthews for her gaffe, telling a Rotary Club event in her district yesterday that she had never seen Hardball and should have avoided the trap Matthews laid for her:
"When I was on Hardball with Chris Matthews last week, I do believe firmly that a trap was laid, but I stepped into it," Bachmann said. "And I made a misstatement, and I made a comment that I would take back."
Ah, a trap! Claptrap, perhaps.
Views of the News, Oct. 22, 2008
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
If push polled, push back
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Views of the News, Oct. 15, 2008
ACORN Fest Continues....
Voter fraud: This helpful piece from Salon quotes Lori Minnite, a professor of political science at Barnard College who investigated allegations of widespread voter fraud. Minnite explained, "From 2002 to 2005 only one person was found guilty of registration fraud. Twenty people were found guilty of voting while ineligible and five people were found guilty of voting more than once. That's 26 criminal voters -- voters who vote twice, impersonate other people, vote without being a resident ... Meanwhile thousands of people are getting turned away at the polls."
You don't get that sense from Fox News, aka the Acorn Network, which brings with each 15-minute cycle a fresh round of angst over "voter fraud." Note that it is never "registration fraud," which would actually describe the act to which they refer, and which happens by the thousands every election cycle ("Mickey Mouse registered to vote!" is a very different story from "Mickey Mouse voted!") but then, why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Meanwhile, last week, the New York Times reported that "tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law."
Oh, Fox, where is they outrage? Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, where are your cries of outrage?
They're too busy railing against those dangerous radicals at Acorn.
A Truly Self-Serving Bit
Having come from the radio and TV world, unpaid internships are certainly nothing new to me. But union rules at most metropolitan papers prohibit students working for free. And j-schools are typically not flush enough to cover the costs of dozens or, in some instances, hundreds of intern-seeking undergrads.
One respondent on the UNC blog compares this development to a company cutting its R&D budget. And you can bet the Philly paper won't be the only one with it's hand out to (or putting its gun to the head of) journalism schools.
Campaign Grab Bag
It's encouraging, on the other hand, to see a little balanced reporting on the controversy involving Obama's connections to ACORN, the group that's apparently committed voter registration fraud in several swing states. If the margins Obama is racking up in the polls hold, that fraud probably won't affect the outcome of the election. But who knows? I particularly like CNN investigative reporter Drew Griffin's digging into the ACORN story:
Want a different election night experience? Check out KBIA.org or this blog. We'll be vodcasting from 8 pm-midnight from the Futures Lab of the Reynolds Journalism Institute. We'll take you inside the studio of KBIA as they bring you local and state news and analysis. We'll also go to KOMU for hourly updates. The Missourian's reporters and editors will drop by. We'll take the pulse of political bloggers. And we'll host a public watch party. But don't wait until then to weigh in. Send us your Views through this blog or email Views@KBIA.org.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Views of the News, Oct. 8, 2008
If we'd had more time
"That One"
So what to talk about all night? How about McCain, while answering a question about energy policy, referring to Obama as "that one?" Huh? The TV analysts tried to read all kinds of things into that admittedly weird reference to McCain's colleague in the U.S. Senate. Was "that one" proof that McCain was talking like a really old guy? Or was it a sinister attempt to reinforce the new message from the McCain camp that Obama is "not like the rest of us?"
I suspect McCain's tongue just got a split second ahead of his brain. What do you think? Didn't see the reference or want to see it again? Here's the YouTube clip courtesy of CNN.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Instant Windbagging From Tonight's Debate
I was unmoved by just about all of tonight's debate. The town hall format would be much better were it, well, a town hall, i.e., unscripted questions with give-and-take and lots of follow-ups. Both candidates labored at times, both did quite well at times, but I'd be surprised to see the needle move one way or the other on the heels of that snoozefest.
I was also struck by the dissonance between the borderline mobs that McCain and Palin are whipping up on the trail, in which reporters are verbaly assaulted and audience members scream death threats at Obama, and the polite and somewhat distant McCain on display tonight. Perhaps we have to behave a bit differently when everyone is watching?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Pseudo science for a pseudo event
By the way, the focus groups conducted live by CNN and Fox were every bit as much bad science as the dial testing. CNN's Soledad O'Brien interviewed those same 36 Ohioans. She is not a trained focus group facilitator and couldn't even count correctly a couple of times when she asked for a show of hands. CNN's group said Biden won. Over at Fox News, professional audience researcher (and media ham) Frank Luntz conducted a similar focus group with "undecided" voters in St. Louis. Strangely enough, the vast majority of his group thought Palin had won. I don't doubt the sincerity of either group's participants. But who cares? While I share Charles' distaste for the blatant spin and bloviating by the cable news panels, at least they were focusing on the only things that really mattered from last night's debate: did Palin reassure base and swing voters that she's not in over her head and did Biden raise serious doubts about his good friend John McCain?
Can you blame the media for this silliness? Sure. But they use their magic tricks to keep you engaged because the campaigns won't let Obama and McCain engage in honest, free-wheeling debate. Sarah Palin suggested she and Joe Biden do some town hall meetings together. McCain tried that already. Too bad it didn't work. And let's not forget to look in the mirror for a second. Want a better brand of campaigning? Demand it. Stop accepting bread and circuses.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Quick Reaction from Tonight's VP Debate
The screens veritably shimmer with the latest in shiny bells and whistles, as what appears to be a dozen talking heads vie for airtime. The panel is divided, ostensibly for the purity of the news operation, into a howling pack of party operatives, out-of-work campaign flaks and ideologues, and oh yeah, reporters. No – I was mistaken – there are so many operatives that they bleed over to the reporter’s turf as well, and as Carl Bernstein – Carl Bernstein! – yields the floor to Ed Rollins, or Paul Begala, or Leslie Sanchez (?), one is left with the distinct impression that journalism has left the building, content to substitute partisanship for anything vaguely resembling analysis, or God forbid, reportage.
Too much work to put reporters to work examining the many factually challenged assertions that a casual observer could detect from tonight’s debate? Apparently.
Why report when you can wire up a few undecided voters in Ohio and track their every biorhythmic impulse?
Debate becomes slogan, slogan becomes spin, but hey, at least we still have that cool screen with movable comments. Cool!