Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Views of the News, June 24, 2009
Are the media covering all health-care reform options fairly? Is Obama "obsessed" with Fox News? And, ethical questions surround the New York Times' handling of the Taliban kidnapping of one of a Times reporter. Panelists: Mike McKean, Lee Wilkins, Rod Gelatt.
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This week's topic links
The Note, "Congressional Republicans Blast ABC; ABC Fires Back"
Republican National Committee's TV ad attacking ABC, White House healthcare plan
Julia A. Seymour, Business & Media Institute: "What We Would Ask: Questions about Obama's health care plan"
Media Matters for America: "GMA interview of Obama health care team ignores progressive concerns"
Felice Pace, Counterpunch blog: "Why NPR Refuses to Report on the Single Payer Movement...And What Should be Done About It"
C-Span (via YouTube): President Obama tells jokes at the Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner
Brent Baker, Media Research Center: "Stephanoupoulos: Obama 'Obsessed' with FNC; NYT's Keller Denies Pro-Obama Bias"
Matthew Cole, New York Magazine: "The David Rohde Puzzle"
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer: "After Reporters' Escape from Taliban, Media Weigh Ethical Questions"
Clay Waters, TimesWatch: "The Times Actually Kept a Secret. Who Knew?"
Bob Garfield, On the Media: "Anonymous Callers"
Republican National Committee's TV ad attacking ABC, White House healthcare plan
Julia A. Seymour, Business & Media Institute: "What We Would Ask: Questions about Obama's health care plan"
Media Matters for America: "GMA interview of Obama health care team ignores progressive concerns"
Felice Pace, Counterpunch blog: "Why NPR Refuses to Report on the Single Payer Movement...And What Should be Done About It"
C-Span (via YouTube): President Obama tells jokes at the Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner
Brent Baker, Media Research Center: "Stephanoupoulos: Obama 'Obsessed' with FNC; NYT's Keller Denies Pro-Obama Bias"
Matthew Cole, New York Magazine: "The David Rohde Puzzle"
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer: "After Reporters' Escape from Taliban, Media Weigh Ethical Questions"
Clay Waters, TimesWatch: "The Times Actually Kept a Secret. Who Knew?"
Bob Garfield, On the Media: "Anonymous Callers"
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Views of the News, June 17, 2009
Iran's post-election crackdown on media, and CNN's coverage of it ... should a journalism student who witnessed a murder be forced to turn over the material he gathered? ... and, does the Souter retirement clear the way for cameras in the Supreme Court? Panelists: Mike McKean, Lee Wilkins, Rod Gelatt.
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This week's topic links
BBC News: "New protests over Iran elections"
Nazila Fathi and Alan Cowell, The New York Times: "Bracing for New Protests, Iran Issues Media Warning"
Joe Strupp, Editor & Publisher: "Top News Outlets Scramble to Get Full Story Out of Iran"
Strupp, E&P: "Keller of 'NYT' in Iran: 'The Iranians Watch Us Closely'"
Howard Kurtz, Meadia Backtalk Blog on The Washington Post: Kurtz defends CNN's weekend coverage of Iranian protests
Brian Stelter, Media Decoder blog, The New York Times: "CNN Reacts to Critics of Iran Coverage"
Henry Blodget, Silicon Alley Insider blog: "Sorry, There's No Way to Save the TV Business"
James Poniewozik, "Does a 10 p.m. Nightline Make Sense?"
Richard Perez-Pena, The New York Times: "A.P. in Deal to Share Investigative Work From Nonprofit Groups"
Paul Chesser, The American Spectator blog: "Associated Press Leaps More Leftward"
K. Daniel Glover, Accuracy in Media: "The Future of Conservative Journalism"
Jackson Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle: "Student argues for shield law protection" (an update from previous Views topic)
And here's something entertaining to leave you with: Conan O'Brien (new host of The Tonight Show) unveils a new comedy bit called the "Twitter Tracker."
Nazila Fathi and Alan Cowell, The New York Times: "Bracing for New Protests, Iran Issues Media Warning"
Joe Strupp, Editor & Publisher: "Top News Outlets Scramble to Get Full Story Out of Iran"
Strupp, E&P: "Keller of 'NYT' in Iran: 'The Iranians Watch Us Closely'"
Howard Kurtz, Meadia Backtalk Blog on The Washington Post: Kurtz defends CNN's weekend coverage of Iranian protests
Brian Stelter, Media Decoder blog, The New York Times: "CNN Reacts to Critics of Iran Coverage"
Henry Blodget, Silicon Alley Insider blog: "Sorry, There's No Way to Save the TV Business"
James Poniewozik, "Does a 10 p.m. Nightline Make Sense?"
Richard Perez-Pena, The New York Times: "A.P. in Deal to Share Investigative Work From Nonprofit Groups"
Paul Chesser, The American Spectator blog: "Associated Press Leaps More Leftward"
K. Daniel Glover, Accuracy in Media: "The Future of Conservative Journalism"
Jackson Van Derbeken, San Francisco Chronicle: "Student argues for shield law protection" (an update from previous Views topic)
And here's something entertaining to leave you with: Conan O'Brien (new host of The Tonight Show) unveils a new comedy bit called the "Twitter Tracker."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Views of the News, June 10, 2009
Two American journalists are jailed in North Korea ... and, how should the "serious" media respond to "fake" news such as Colbert? Panelists: Lee Wilkins, Charles Davis, Lynda Kraxberger.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Views of the News, June 3, 2009
Belt-tightening in the newspaper, local television, and network TV industries ... and, how would Twitter translate to the small screen? Panelists: Lee Wilkins, Charles Davis, Lynda Kraxberger.
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