Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Look at Missouri

Well. it is 1:44 a.m., Election Day (after)....and while Obama is probably thinking about sleep and wondering why in the world he mentioned getting the kids a puppy...Missouri is still, STILL undecided. One precinct to go, and McCain is up 398 votes.

398 votes in the entire state of Missouri. Wow. And you think your vote doesn't matter?

This election has for the time being completely erased the idea of complacency, perhaps for a generation.

Wish I could sleep, but tight races in the Senate....



Emily said...

I hope the panelists will discuss the Missourian's front-page story about the football player's girlfriend. The comment section for it on the Missourian's website has been frenetically active in the last few days!

National Freedom of Information Coalition said...

Thanks for swinging by! I did read with interest the Chase Daniel girlfriend story...it's, well, interesting....
