Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This week's topic links

Balloon Boy

Jonathan Storm, The Philadelphia Inquirer: "Mr. & Mrs. Balloon Boy did it because we will watch" "Balloon Boy Parody: I'm In a Box!" (caution: adult language in video)

Eric Deggens, The St. Petersburg Times: "The balloon boy reality: Media is vulnerable to hoaxes"

The Yes Men hoax

Jacques Servin a.k.a. "Andy Bichlbaum", The Yes Men: "Will the Real Chamber of Commerce Please Stand Up?"

Kate Sheppard, Mother Jones: "The Yes Men Punk the Chamber" (Sheppard says she knew in advance the news conference was a hoax)

Anne C. Mulkern and Alex Kaplun, the New York Times: "Fake Reporters Part of Climate Pranksters' 'Theater'"

Dana Milbank, The Washington Post: "The news is broken"

More layoffs coming at NYT

Richard Perez-Pena, The New York Times: "New York Times Moves to Trim 100 in Newsroom"

Advice from Missouri Honor Medalist Rod Gelatt

Alex Altman, Time Magazine: "Q&A: Author Malcolm Gladwell" (Gladwell says young journalists should get a degree in something other than journalism)

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